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Wang Guobiao investigation and investigation dongsheng Hui Valley

      1608192464682139.jpgOn the afternoon of December 1, Wang Guobiao, deputy director of the Organization Department of Shaoxing Municipal Party Committee and executive Deputy director of the Talent Office of Shaoxing Municipal Party Committee, accompanied by Ding GUI, member of the Standing Committee of Keqiao District Party Committee and director of organization, visited Dongsheng Huigu to guide the work. Bao Huankang, general manager of Dongsheng Industrial Group, on behalf of Dongsheng Huigu, extended a warm welcome to Wang Guo-Biao and his delegation, and expressed sincere gratitude to The Organization Department of Shaoxing Municipal Party Committee and Keqiao District Party Committee for their care to the park. The research leader visited Dongsheng Huigu (Phase I) and got a detailed understanding of the overall construction progress of the park. At this stage, the investment and operation achievements of the park and some representatives settled in the enterprises.

      Wang Guobiao, vice Minister of Dongsheng Industrial Group, gave full affirmation to the company's great ideas, great pattern, great efforts to promote the construction of the park, and achievements in scientific innovation and investment promotion. He said that the park should grasp the strategic opportunity of the integration of the Yangtze River Delta and the integration of Hangzhou-Shaoyong demonstration area construction, firmly grasp the "attracting talents", do a good job in talent service, lead the industrial park to high-quality development, and provide strong support for shaoxing to build high-quality development and important growth.

Dongsheng Hui Valley Zhu Xuhui

  • contactor:Mr xu
  • telephone:13676897967
  • email:307921899@qq.com
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