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Tang Zhichuan, associate professor of Zhejiang University of Technology, "Intelligent Upper limb Rehabilitation Exoskeleton Project based on Polyphysiological perception" successfully passed the preliminary evaluation meeting of the research institute

    1608192136732530.jpgStudies have shown that stroke has become the second leading cause of death in the world and the first leading cause of disability in adults. Among them, nearly 80% of stroke survivors will have varying degrees of physical dysfunction and movement, leading to inability to take care of themselves, which seriously affects People's Daily activity ability and quality of life. Timely and effective rehabilitation training after stroke contributes to the recovery of motor function and brain function remodeling of patients. The traditional means of rehabilitation therapy is to conduct one-to-one rehabilitation training for patients with rehabilitation therapists by hand or using some simple instruments and equipment. In terms of the number of rehabilitation therapists, rehabilitation efficiency and medical costs, it fails to meet the treatment needs of patients. Robot system has unique advantages, which can overcome the shortage of rehabilitation therapists and the time-consuming and expensive problem of artificial rehabilitation. Therefore, robot-assisted rehabilitation is very suitable for rehabilitation training and has been studied more and more widely.

    Tang Zhichuan, an associate professor at Zhejiang University of Technology, is a leader in robot-assisted rehabilitation research. Recently, Teacher Tang's "Intelligent upper limb rehabilitation exoskeleton Project based on physiological perception" successfully passed the preliminary evaluation meeting of the research institute's project.

    On the basis of the full market and technical research of teacher Tang's project in the early stage, we invited Associate Professor Tang Zhichuan and Professor Cheng Shiwei to visit the company in the afternoon of November 24th. General Manager Jin Weiwei introduced the layout and development plan of Dongsheng Huigu Park to two teachers of Zhejiang University of Technology, as well as the policy support for the project. After in-depth exchanges, the two sides finally reached a preliminary intention of cooperation. In the later stage, the institute will keep close contact and communication with Mr. Tang to help the project take root in Dongsheng Huigu Park and promote the rapid development of the rehabilitation industry.

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