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Bailisheng New energy brings warmth to border posts

     Recently, zhejiang Balisheng New Energy Technology Co., LTD. Research and development of THE RTC Fast-heating medium-temperature solar energy + intelligent energy-saving heating system in A border post in Xinjiang successfully completed the installation and acceptance of the project, for the coming winter to send warmth.

     As most frontier posts in Xinjiang are located in the alpine region, the winter temperature is relatively low, so heating equipment such as air energy is very inefficient in winter. In addition, China has gradually banned coal-fired heating in recent years. How to make the heating not only usable in the extremely cold region but also environmentally friendly has become the original intention of The smart energy-saving heating system developed by Bailisheng New Energy.

     The RTC soar team in the warm sun can + intelligent energy-saving heating system can run in 40 degrees below zero to 220 degrees between, not only that, the system can completely solve the traditional sun in the solar energy collection efficiency is low, frozen wall in winter, single tube rupture problem such as the system paralysis, which makes it can be used in cold regions such as xinjiang, heating and can normal work.

      The RTC Fast Tengzhong Temperature Dayang energy intelligent energy energy-saving heating system installed by Balisheng New energy source for xinjiang frontier post has been unanimously praised by the officers and soldiers in the post.

Operation Department of Bailisheng New Energy Hefei

  • contactor:Mr xu
  • telephone:13676897967
  • email:307921899@qq.com
China Dongsheng website


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