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Dongsheng Printing and dyeing organization carries out safety education and training for all employees

1594277288165242.jpg      To fully implement the "safety first, prevention first, comprehensive management" of production safety policy, implement the strategy of safe development and to strengthen the safety production consciousness of "red line", further improve the company personnel safety awareness, efforts to enhance corporate management level, safety civilization according to the arrangement of the unity of the early work plan, in order to improve employee safety awareness and operation skills, make the staff have engaged in the job required knowledge of production safety, prevention of the occurrence of safety accidents, to ensure the safety of the production run smoothly, the company in the afternoon on June 28, the use of class time, in two batches all staff in the center of the staff activities organized a safety education and training.

      The training mainly includes the production characteristics of printing and dyeing enterprises, identification and control of hazard sources, basic safety knowledge and fire protection knowledge and other parts. Training lecturer at first this paper introduces the dyeing and printing enterprise product type many, the particularity of high energy consumption, high pollution, in the operation of all kinds of jobs are easy to generate the corresponding safety accident, a detailed description in each of the different processes may encounter a variety of conditions, and how to prevent the occurrence of safety accidents, education staff how to from the source control. In the training of basic safety knowledge and fire protection knowledge, guide the staff to use the fire extinguisher correctly, how to save themselves and a series of common sense.

      Through the explanation of safety knowledge, the display of some accident pictures, and the analysis of some past safety accident cases, we should earnestly study and draw lessons from them, so as to ensure the safety of our colleagues and the company's property at the same time.

      The company has always attached great importance to the importance of safe production, and carried out extensive safety education in various forms such as pre-shift meeting, safety warning board, publicity slogan and safety training, constantly reminding employees not to forget about safe production, promoting safety education into the mind and heart, and urging employees to develop good safety behavior habits.

      I hope that through this safety production training, we can have a deeper understanding of the importance of safety production, understand what safety issues to pay attention to in daily work, enhance their awareness of prevention, improve the ability to prevent accidents, and always pay attention to the importance of safety production.

Dongsheng Printing and dyeing Fangguang Forest

  • contactor:Mr xu
  • telephone:13676897967
  • email:307921899@qq.com
China Dongsheng website


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