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A little love gathers strong positive energy

      -- dongsheng party members made active donations to support the prevention and control of xinguan pneumonia

      One party in trouble, p/p support; The party has a call, I have action. In response to the call of the CPC central committee with comrade xi jinping as the core, party members of the dongsheng industrial branch made active donations to support the prevention and control of the new champion pneumonia epidemic, gathered their kindness and love into the spring, and gathered a powerful force of working together to overcome difficulties.

      The organization of donations, adhere to the voluntary, do according to one's ability. The party members are concerned about the epidemic area, the situation of the public, response to the call, less dozens, more than a few hundred, have donated, expressed the dongsheng industrial branch party members to win the epidemic prevention and control of the war to make a contribution to the strong desire.

      A party member is a flag. Under the strong leadership of the CPC central committee, party members continue to play a pioneering and exemplary role, and with love and dedication, they have gathered tremendous strength for winning the epidemic prevention and control war. With the help of each other, we will surely win the people's war, total war and resistance war against the epidemic.

Dongsheng industrial headquarters xu yinyan

  • contactor:Mr xu
  • telephone:13676897967
  • email:307921899@qq.com
China Dongsheng website


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