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Manual on the prevention and control of new coronary pneumonia for reworkers of dongsheng industrial group

To defeat the epidemic, scientific prevention

Protect yourself


Fight the new coronavirus

      Recently the new coronavirus is rampant, in order to prevent and control the new coronavirus pneumonia (referred to as the new coronavirus pneumonia), dongsheng industrial group immediately set up the prevention and control leading group, actively cooperate with the government's epidemic prevention and control work, to the enterprise staff and enterprise epidemic prevention and health to achieve timely, accurate, comprehensive prevention and tracking.

      Companies to return to work, for the prevention and control of new crown pneumonia, ensure employees' health and the production and living order, is established for epidemic "DongSheng industrial group rework back to those new crown pneumonia prevention and control manual", employees in attaches great importance to the prevention and control of new crown pneumonia at the same time, don't panic, completes the relevant prevention and control measures, to work and live happily and healthily.

I. what should employees do before returning to work

      1. All employees shall truthfully report to the enterprise the track of activities during the Spring Festival holiday, including whether they have ever been to the epidemic area, whether they have been in contact with personnel or related suspected cases in the epidemic area, whether the route to return to the enterprise has passed through the epidemic area, and whether they have taken public transportation.

      2. All employees shall truthfully report their current health status to the enterprise and issue a letter of commitment to the enterprise.

      3. Employees in key areas outside the province, high-risk and high-risk areas within the province shall issue relevant medical observation certificates. Those who fail to issue the above-mentioned certificates shall be quarantined and observed in the company dormitory for 14 days before returning to work.

Ii. How to protect employees


       1. It is recommended to drive or carpool (it is better to wear a mask and ventilate frequently), and try not to take public transportation or Internet to get off work.

       2. The company will distribute disposable surgical masks to employees, and all employees need to wear masks at work; All discarded masks should be put into the recycling box of discarded masks.


      3. All staff must take temperature check and register every day after work. In order to prevent cross-infection, the headquarters used temperature records instead of the original fingerprint attendance card.

      4. Employees should try to go to work 10 minutes earlier to avoid delay due to temperature measurement and recording.

      5. The accommodation staff shall live in the dormitory arranged by the company strictly and shall not change the dormitory without authorization. Every morning, the accommodation staff should check the temperature at the designated place and then go to the office area.


      6. All employees are not allowed to go out during working hours (including lunch time), and those who need to go out to handle affairs under special circumstances shall be approved by the general manager of each branch office, and the staff of the headquarters shall be approved by the office.

      7. Accommodation staff are not allowed to go out at night. If they are in urgent need of going out under special circumstances, they shall report to the general manager of each branch and the staff of the headquarters to the office director of the headquarters. Accommodation staff are not allowed to receive visitors at night, non-accommodation staff are not allowed to enter the dormitory.

      8. When employees go out with approval, please take self-protective measures.

      9. If an outsider comes to the enterprise due to work needs, he/she shall first take temperature measurement and register the situation at the guard's office, and then the corresponding contact personnel of the enterprise shall go to the guard's office and receive visitors at the office or the designated place. During the visit, both parties shall wear masks and keep a distance. Outsiders are not allowed to enter if their body temperature exceeds 37.3℃.


      10. All staff shall open Windows frequently for ventilation after work, wash hands frequently, do not gather, and pay attention to personal and public hygiene. Do not go out after work, do not have dinner, do not gather, do not go to crowded places.

      11. During the prevention and control period, all staff should avoid online shopping if they are not required to do so. If online shopping is really needed, all employees should send it to their homes, and all express delivery to the factory should be put at the guard, and it can be taken away after disinfection.


Iii. How do employees have meals

      1. The canteen adopts the system of taking meals at wrong times and eating separately. Breakfast and dinner, including accommodation staff, are divided.

      2. The enterprise will provide a set of permanent lunch boxes for each employee to keep, clean and use by themselves.

      3. After the meal, please pour the leftovers into the special recycling bucket and do not dump them to other places, especially the sink to avoid the blockage of the drain pipe. Meanwhile, please do not dump other garbage. (the headquarters will place garbage cans for recycling leftovers outside the public toilets on each floor)

      4. The canteen will carry out time-sharing and regional meal collection (employees can take the meal back to the office for dinner). Unified arrangements to take the meal must do a good job of hygiene before taking the meal.

      5. The canteen shall keep a distance of 1 meter to take food in line. It is strictly prohibited to eat in groups in the restaurant.

      6. canteen staff do a good job of disinfection of kitchen utensils every day, it is strictly prohibited to mix cooked, and wear masks, to ensure the canteen health and safety. Non-canteen staff are not allowed to enter the kitchen.


Iiii.How to disinfect the working environment

      1. Disinfect the lobby, corridor, meeting room, elevator, staircase, toilet and other public areas after work every afternoon; Before disinfection operations to do a good job of personal protection, when dispensing liquid to be careful to put, avoid touching the body. Office disinfection by the relevant personnel according to the use of indoor goods to carry out irregular disinfection.

      2. During the prevention and control period, the elevator of the headquarters building is only used for material transportation. For the health of all employees, please do not use the elevator.

      3. The enterprise has placed hand sanitizer and detergent in the toilets on each floor. All employees are requested to wash hands strictly in accordance with the "six-step method" to ensure personal hygiene and safety.

      4. Canteen staff perform daily disinfection of the kitchen and restaurant every day.


Iiiii.What should I do in an emergency

      1. All staff shall report to the prevention and control leading group immediately if they have fever due to a cold during work and accommodation. Meanwhile, they shall go to the crowd control group for registration and tracking management.

      2. The suspected patient shall be transferred to the temporary isolation room immediately after detection, and report to the prevention and control leading group in time. The leading group shall contact the local disease control agency for guidance and treatment in time, and assist in the relevant investigation and disposal.

      3. If the suspected patient is diagnosed as a patient with new coronary pneumonia, all his close contacts must undergo 14 days of isolation medical observation.

      4. If the contact has symptoms, choose the designated hospital with fever clinic in advance. Masks should be worn on the way to the hospital and all the way to the hospital.

      5. Avoid public transportation. Call an ambulance or use a private vehicle to transport patients.

      6. sick close contacts should always maintain respiratory hygiene and clean hands. Stand or sit as far away from other people as possible (at least 1 meter) on the road and in hospitals.

      7. Any surfaces contaminated by respiratory secretions or body fluids should be cleaned and disinfected with a disinfectant containing diluted bleach.

      8. When seeking medical treatment, the patient shall truthfully and in detail describe the disease situation and medical treatment process, especially the doctor's recent travel and residence history in key epidemic areas, the contact history of pneumonia patients or suspected patients, and the contact history of animals, etc.


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  • contactor:Mr xu
  • telephone:13676897967
  • email:307921899@qq.com
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