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Fire drills are often conducted with safety awareness in mind

1576459913494263.jpg       In order to further strengthen fire safety education, improve fire safety awareness among all employees, and enhance fire self-prevention and self-rescue capabilities, the morning of November 26, 2019, Dongsheng Printing and Dyeing Co., Ltd. launched a fire drill competition.

       There are ten activities in the weaving setting department, the weaving factory dyeing department, the weaving factory front department, the weaving factory brushing department, the knitting factory setting department, the knitting factory dyeing department, the white and white warehouse, the machine repair department, the second branch factory and the printing factory Participating teams. Before the exercise, the heads of various departments first explained to the team members the characteristics of the fire, the use of fire fighting equipment such as fire extinguishers, hydrants, and fire hoses, and the rules of evacuation and escape. Professionals demonstrated the use of various equipment on the spot. Essentials. Then, we started the competition of oil fire extinguishing and hose connection in groups. Participants were aggressive and brave. They followed the steps and methods of learning to carry out fire extinguishing and water hose connection. The whole competition process was orderly, and the expected effect of the exercise competition was achieved.

       Dongsheng Printing and Dyeing has held fire safety drill competitions for four consecutive years. The company hopes that through such activities, it can further increase employees' fire safety awareness and learn and master common sense of fire protection. All employees must keep in mind the safety instructions of "Responsibility Matters Above Taishan, Safety Is Above All". While grasping the benefits and promoting development, the company must strictly consider safety production as the top priority of the company's work, and must be thinking Improve safety hazards in terms of methods, methods, and actions, strictly implement the safety production responsibility system, decompose safety production measures into all aspects of production and operation, and implement them in each position, so as to extend production management and management, safety responsibility Wherever the system covers, security measures follow up, leaving no blind spots and no dead ends.

Dongsheng Printing and Dyeing  YangJin

  • contactor:Mr xu
  • telephone:13676897967
  • email:307921899@qq.com
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