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2019 annual labor union


      August is the harvest season, and it is also a turning point for many students. They are about to step into the university campus and open a new starting point for life and dreams. In order to let employees feel the care of the company, on September 2, Zhejiang Dongsheng Industrial Group Trade Union launched the 2019 "Golden Autumn Helping and Offering Love" activity.

      Any employee who has worked in the company for one year can receive a scholarship bonus from the group's trade union after the child is admitted to the undergraduate or specialist. In the 13 years of continuous development of this activity, more than 180 employees have benefited from the award, with a total reward of nearly 250,000. The group trade unions always regard the good, good, and good development of the employees' basic interests as the starting point and the foothold of each work, and strive to make the development achievements of the enterprise benefit the employees. The “Golden Autumn Aid” activity is an important measure for the company's employees to be warm and cold, and to care for the growth of their children.

      "Education is good for the country, education is strong for the country", and the activities of helping the students to give love, it not only expresses the Group's concern for the employees' families, but also shows the Group's emphasis on knowledge education, dedication to love, and return to society. In line with the country's overall encouragement for talent training.

Dongsheng Printing and Dyeing Yang Jin

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  • email:307921899@qq.com
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