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Strengthen fire knowledge training to strengthen fire safety awareness


      "Safety first, prevention-oriented", in order to continuously improve the awareness of all employees of the Group on fire safety work, enhance self-restraint and protection capabilities, and understand fire emergency preparedness. On the morning of September 18th, our company invited Keqiao District Fire Brigade Jiang Jicheng Captain and Ni Hongping to conduct a training on the fire safety knowledge and fire extinguisher use skills for our employees. More than 50 company leaders and employees attended the training.

      In the training class, Ni, in conjunction with the fire cases that have occurred in recent years, vividly expounded the importance of popularizing fire safety knowledge and raising employees' awareness of fire protection. The key points are how to deal with fire safety issues, fire hazards in daily production and life, and the use of various fire extinguishing equipment. He also put forward the theory of "one understanding" and "three meetings". To understand the existence of fire hazard, it is necessary to report to the police, use fire-fighting facilities and equipment, and protect themselves.

      Subsequently, a field fire drill operation drill was conducted at the outdoor drill site. During the drill, Fan Yong instructors timely corrected the incorrect operation of the employees and the use of fire-fighting equipment to ensure that all employees responded calmly in actual combat and effectively extinguished the fire.

      Through this fire drill, not only the fire protection awareness of all employees was enhanced, but also the operation steps and methods of dry powder fire extinguishers were mastered, which further improved the ability of all employees to respond to emergencies.

Dongsheng Industrial Headquarters Dong Jiaying

  • contactor:Mr xu
  • telephone:13676897967
  • email:307921899@qq.com
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