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NALAGI hotel holds the first


      As a hotel industry, excellent job skills and excellent service levels are essential. In order to tap the potential of employees, we will fully mobilize the enthusiasm and enthusiasm of employees to master business skills. On September 12, 2019, the Nalagi Hotel hosted a two-day “Team Building Festival”.

      The content of this competition mainly includes game building skills, room dressing, room related knowledge contest and other competitions. The atmosphere of the competition was fierce, but busy and not chaotic, tight and orderly. With the joint efforts of the guest room department, business center, food and beverage department, etc., this room team building festival was a complete success, and the “Best Bedding Team” was selected. Awards, "Knowledge Competition Awards", "Best Dress Up Award", "Best Wear Award" and other awards.

      This room team building festival is the first time that the hotel has been launched in the guest room department since the opening of the hotel. The activity of the event has enabled the staff of the room department to receive a good exercise and find their own operation. Inadequacies, not only improve employee skills, enhance employee team spirit, establish a good customer image, but more importantly, motivate employees to participate in business skills training, creating a good atmosphere of “comparation, learning, helping, and super”. And to promote the level of room service.

Nalagi Hotel Chen Kewen

  • contactor:Mr xu
  • telephone:13676897967
  • email:307921899@qq.com
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