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Shaoxing Jinye Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd. and Hanergy Mobile Energy Holding Group cooperated on the comprehensive recycling of waste chamber materials

      On the morning of August 7, Mr. Li Shengchun, Executive Director of New Materials Division of Hanergy Mobile Energy Holding Group Co., Ltd. and Mr. Ma Peihua, General Manager of Shaoxing Jinye Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd. produced the solar photovoltaic film produced by Hanergy Mobile Energy Holding Group. In-depth exchanges on the comprehensive recycling of waste chamber materials and cooperation in deep processing. Mr. Li Shengchun also communicated with Mr. Bao Huankang, General Manager of Dongsheng Group, on various matters of cooperation and reached various agreements.

      Hanergy Mobile Energy Holdings Group is a global leader in clean energy multinationals and a global leader in thin-film solar power generation. The main products of Hanergy Mobile Energy Holding Group are gallium arsenide double junction thin film battery, gallium arsenide single junction thin film battery, glass based copper indium gallium selenide thin film battery, flexible copper indium gallium selenide thin film battery, perovskite battery and high efficiency silicon. Heterojunction solar cells.

      The flexible copper indium gallium selenide thin film battery generates a large amount of waste chamber materials containing copper, indium, gallium and selenium in the production process, which belongs to general solid waste and has high economic value. It is estimated that the annual output of this material will reach 20-30 tons in 2020. With the increase in production capacity of flexible copper indium gallium selenide thin film battery of Hanergy Mobile Energy Holding Group Co., Ltd., the output of this material will increase to 50-100 tons per year. Hanergy Mobile Energy Holding Group Co., Ltd. cooperates with Shaoxing Jinye Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd. to process waste chamber materials containing copper, indium, gallium and selenium to produce blister copper, crude indium (including In≥99%) and coarse selenium ( The dry meter contains Se ≥ 95%) and the crude GaN (dry gauge contains Ga ≥ 15%). Then further cooperation with crude indium to produce 4N purity (including In ≥ 99.99%) refined indium products and crude selenium as raw material to produce 4N purity (including Se ≥ 99.99%) refined selenium products. After the cooperation between the two parties, Hanergy Mobile Energy Holding Group can realize the recycling of copper, indium, gallium and selenium in waste chamber materials containing copper, indium, gallium and selenium, reducing the cost of producing flexible copper indium gallium selenide thin film batteries. At the same time, Shaoxing Jinye Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd. can improve its production level of indium and gallium, improve the competitiveness and popularity of the company, and increase the proportion of high value-added products in the company's sales revenue. From August 1st, Shaoxing Jinye Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd. has begun to recover crude copper, crude indium, coarse selenium and coarse gallium hydroxide from waste chamber materials containing copper, indium, gallium and selenium.

Jinye Environmental Protection Zhao Sijia

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  • telephone:13676897967
  • email:307921899@qq.com
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