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Dongsheng printing & dyeing co., ltd. held the 2018 annual excellent commendation meeting

       1554780903947516.jpgIn 2018, with the support of the head office and the correct leadership of the company's management, Dongsheng Printing and Dyeing, through the unremitting efforts of all employees, gave full play to subjective initiative, hard work and hard work, and promoted the stable and rapid development of the company. In the process, a number of outstanding employees who have worked tirelessly and selflessly for the development of the company have emerged.

       According to the results of the 2018 year-end selection, in order to summarize the results, encourage the advanced, promote the typical, and further stimulate the enthusiasm and creativity of the employees. After the company's research decided to give outstanding employees, excellent technical personnel, excellent management personnel, excellent salesmen, excellent team and other commendation awards, and issued honorary certificates and bonuses.

       At the commendation meeting, Vice President Zhang Yufeng expressed his congratulations to the commended collectives and individuals, and hoped that the collectives and individuals who were commended should cherish the honor and continue to play a role as a model. In 2019, they will continue to make great achievements and make new achievements. Other employees use their role as examples of learning, work hard, be aggressive, innovate, and unite to add color to Dongsheng Printing and Dyeing.

                                                                                                                                                                                                 Dongsheng Printing and Dyeing Yang Jin

  • contactor:Mr xu
  • telephone:13676897967
  • email:307921899@qq.com
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