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Keqiao district people's congress standing committee leading investigation and survey dongsheng valley

1552466778253328.jpg        On the morning of February 20, 2019, Shen Zuwei, deputy director of the Standing Committee of the District People's Congress, and relevant leaders of the District Finance and Economics Union visited our company to investigate the Dongsheng Huigu project. Xu Weidong, Chairman of the Group, and Bao Huankang, General Manager, gave a detailed introduction to the Dongsheng Huigu project.

        Dongsheng Huigu Industrial Innovation Service Complex is an industrial park wholly-owned and operated by Zhejiang Dongsheng Industrial Group. It covers an area of 100,000 square meters and has a total construction area of 280,000 square meters. The park takes new materials, medical devices, bio-pharmaceuticals and innovative medical care as the industrial direction, and adopts the concept of “sharing, sharing, and win-win”. Through the operation of industry + platform + investment, it integrates the research resources of higher education institutions to attract outstanding enterprises. Convergence with talents, and strive to create a regional leading and unique industrial innovation service complex.

       After listening to the report of the Dongsheng Huigu project, Director Shen and relevant leaders gave high praise to our project planning, innovative operation mode and industrial positioning, and regarded Dongsheng Huigu as the benchmark for traditional enterprise transformation, hoping that Dongsheng Huigu will promote the future. Regional economic development has made greater contributions.

                                                                                                                                                                                    Dongsheng Industrial Headquarters Dong Jiaying

  • contactor:Mr xu
  • telephone:13676897967
  • email:307921899@qq.com
China Dongsheng website


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