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"Wrap tangyuan and celebrate yuanxiao" -- the annual dongsheng one family activity in 2019

       On the 15th day of the lunar calendar, the annual Lantern Festival is coming. The traditional custom of eating Yuanxiao on the 15th day of the first month has been in China for a long time. Yuanxiao is also known as "Tangyuan". It has the meaning of reunion and fulfills people's longing for and pursuit of a better life.

       Dongsheng Industrial Group enriches the cultural life of employees, activates the festive atmosphere, shows the staff style, enhances the cohesiveness of employees, creates a good corporate culture atmosphere, and enables employees to celebrate a warm, pleasant and relaxed Lantern Festival. The first day of the 14th month is small. The canteen has carried out the activities of Bao Tang Yuan Qing Yuan. Despite the recent rainy weather, we still can't resist everyone's enthusiasm for this event. The scene is full of lively scenes. Everyone works together, work together, face-to-face, stuffing, and everyone's joint efforts, one by one, white rice balls Gradually formed. After the dumplings are wrapped, the dumplings that everyone has wrapped up are divided into small pouches and distributed to the staff of each dormitory, so that the employees who are far away from home can feel the warmth and festive atmosphere of the company.

       The launch of the event has greatly improved the enthusiasm of employees to participate in the event, enhanced their sense of belonging to the company, and felt the charm of the traditional cultural festival of Lantern Festival in a festive and peaceful atmosphere, and enhanced the employees' Communication and understanding. The arrival of the new year, I hope that everyone can work together to make the company move towards better development!


Dongsheng Printing and Dyeing Yang Jin

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  • telephone:13676897967
  • email:307921899@qq.com
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